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Alliott Global Alliance Worldwide Conference 2022

Together again from around the world – Alliott Global Alliance Worldwide Conference 2022 Washington DC

After a forced hiatus due to the Covid 19 virus, it has been 3 years since the Alliott Global Alliance Worldwide Conference in Madrid in October 2019 before Alliott Global Alliance members from around the world could meet again. And what happened in those three years?
In Madrid, Alliott Global Alliance (Alliott Group) was present in 70 countries with 170 members, and by the time of the Conference in Washington, the number had grown to 95 countries and 220 members. The number of legal members has grown by 44, and almost all countries in the Central and Eastern European region are on the Alliance map. The development of unified service packages is well underway to help members to coordinate their services and make them even more competitive for clients seeking cross-border advisory solutions.
Fehér Legal & Tax is proud to be the exclusive Hungarian member of the Alliott Global Alliance for the 5th consecutive year and to offer its clients an ever-widening range of legal, tax and accounting services in Hungary and 94 other countries around the world.Washington 2022 video