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Wolters Kluwer Jogászdíj pályázat

Fehér Legal & Tax got nominated for Best Lawyer/Team in Tax Law by Wolters Kluwer for its Lawyer’s Award of 2018

We are proud to announce that in the 2018 Lawyer’s Award event, Wolters Kluwer nominated Fehér Legal & Tax in the category of Tax Law for Best Lawyer/Team of 2018 for its outstanding legal solutions related to competitive posting matters.

It is a great honor for us to be competing with such law firms as Deloitte Legal, Ernst & Young, RSM Legal or Jalsovszky – just to name a few other nominees.

The awards will be handed over at the Lawyer’s Award ceremony on 30 November. Regardless of the outcome of the competition, we are honored to be nominees among such prestigious members of the Hungarian legal field.